Minutes of Annual Residents Meeting – 4th May 2016

Annual Residents Meeting of the Parish of Bainbridge
Wednesday 4th May 2016 at 6.30pm at Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
1. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th May 2015 were approved.

2. Chairman’s Review of the Year
The chairman began with thanking Katie Seal as clerk for her work.
The Appleby Travellers came through and went, they had broken down the fence on the village green the Friday prior. This had been a bad experience compared to the year before. The travellers had also broken the zip wire on the playground which has now been repaired.

The playground has received some upgrades in the year, a new ride on duck amongst other things and this was possible with assistance from a grant from Richmondshire District Council.

The last Parish Council meeting had been interesting, with lots in attendance with views from both sides with regards a proposed new development for six houses.

The Chairman wished to express this thanks to Karen Prudden for her excellent work looking after the cemetery. He also Thanked Tim Prudden for his work at the cemetery. He also wished to express his thanks to Paul Metcalfe for all he does for the parish as well as to all the volunteers who help to cut the grass on the village green.

Paul Metcalfe has now expressed his desire to retire currently from village work as he has now got a lot more work at the garage, or at least wont be in a position to help as much. The Clerk is to issue a letter of thanks to Paul Metcalfe for all the work he has put into the village of Bainbridge over the last few years.

3. Arrangements for Travellers
It was confirmed that a managed stay would be the method for the 2016 Appleby Traveller visit. Arrangements have been put in place for the fence to be put up on W/C 15th May 2016 with the village green being open for a number of days in the week following. The chairman wished to thank Sergeant Stuart Grainger and Pat Wilson of Richmondshire District Council for all of their help with the arrangements to date.

4. Matters arising from the minutes of the 2016 meeting and other issue of concern to the Residents
David Ballinger said that on the 26th July it marked the arrival of Turner 200 years ago. The painting of Semmer Lake is in the National Gallery. It was suggested that Mr Ballinger contact Bainbridge Primary school as it was thought it might of interest to the children to celebrate the event.

5. Date of the next meeting
It was confirmed that the next Residents meeting would take place on Wednesday 3rd May 2017.
Meeting closed 6.50pm