Minutes of Meeting 9th March 2016

Ordinary Meeting: Wednesday 9th March 2016 at 7pm at Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge

1. Consideration of Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies to consider.

2. Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6th January 2016 were approved.

3. Declaration of Interest (declarations need to be re-stated for the minutes even if an interest has been declared in the register).
No declaration of interest were made.

4. Clerk’s report on actions taken for the period 28 October to 29 December 2015 and ongoing / new parish items

4.1 Cemetery – standing item
i. Cllr Percival confirmed that he had spoken to John Banks regarding the price of the grass cutting and expressed that it was higher than had been paid in the past. John Banks has agreed to set off on a cut by cut basis.
ii. No other issues where discussed.

4.2 Highways Issues – standing item
i. It was noted that it would not be possible to replace the street light in Bainbridge.
ii. The following highways issues were reported:-
a. The road from Countersett to Marsett has horrendous potholes and requires repair.
b. Blean Lane in also in need of repair due to large amounts of pot holes.
c. The street light close to the Old School House is not working.
iii. After the last meeting it was agreed to dig out the drains up and around Raydale. Cllr Kettlewell confirmed that Paul was happy to undertake the digging works. Cllrs Percival confirmed that he has met with Peter Calvert and pinpointed all of the location that are causing problems and Peter is willing to have the digger out. Contact has not yet been made with John Pratt.
iv. Cllr Kettlewell confirmed that the cutting back of Saplings would also be happening this year following the success of this last year.

4.3 Parish Caretaker – standing item
i. There were no specific work requirements for the Parish Caretaker.

4.4 RDC – Upper Dales Area Partnership – standing item
i. The previous scheduled meeting was cancelled, a new date and location has yet to be set.

4.5 Local Health Issues – standing item
i. Cllr Percival confirmed he had been in correspondence with Jane Ritchie regarding the Air Ambulance protocol. The date of the incident in Worton was required for Jane to look into the matter further. Roger was at the scene but cannot remember the date of it, will report back to Cllr Percival when he knows. Cllr Pecival wished to confirm that the family do not wish to be involved and wished to reiterate that it is not them making a complaint.

4.6 Village Green and Appleby Travellers
Constable Sutcliffe attended the meeting to listen and comment where necessary.
i. Due to the low results of the of the survey distributed to the residents regarding the Appleby Travellers, RDC have taken the decision to not publish the findings.

Last year, the first of the travellers to enter the green where not the usual travellers the police have got to know and have corresponded with, hence why they were not stopped at an earlier stage. Police so not have the resources to constantly monitor all of the travellers and all of the areas. Cllr Brown confirmed that the main thing is to limit the time they are here in Bainbridge. At this moment in time the Police, NYCC and RDC are all strapped for cash and therefore do not have the additional resource for this matter. It was decided that we would follow the same plan as in previous years and advertise well the dates the green is open. Cllr Percival commented that we are a perfect place for them to camp, we have no desire to prohibit them we just wish to limit the time they are here. It was proposed that a meeting would be set up between a number of the councillors, the police and RDC to finalise the arrangements.

ii. It was confirmed that Paul Metcalfe would be unable to conduct any grass cutting of the village green this year, therefore, more help would be needed. Volunteers are always welcome.

4.7 Children’s Play Area
i. It was confirmed that the Castle Slide had now been fixed.
ii. It was recommended by RDC that the stopper of the zip liner was too long and need to be shortened and the chain on the assault course was too long and was dragging on the floor. Action: Paul Metcalfe to look into.

4.8 Open Spaces and Maps of Parish Land
To be looked into at the next meeting.

4.9 New Clerk
Cllr Peacock and Cllr Percival confirmed they attended interview for the role of Parish Clerk and recommended the employment of Gillian Harrison. The remaining councillors agreed to the appointment. Cllr Peacock proposed the 2 clerks work together to conduct the handover.

5. Finance
5.1 Current cash balance as at 02.03.16 (taking into account payments for authorisation, income and transfer of funds to 02.03.16).
Current Account 7489 = £449.84

Deposit Account 9259 = £1,856.78

Special Deposit Account 3065 = £5,272.90 (includes £233.07 for Play Area and £4,684.57 for Green Fund) Remainder = £355.26

5.2 Payments / Transfer
The following payments were authorised:-

£61.36 to Roger Duval
£40.20 to Richmondshire District Council
£336.00 to Playdale Playgrounds Ltd
£40.00 to Roger Duval

The following standing orders were noted:-

28/01/16 – £240.00 to Roger Duval
28/01/16 – £146.08 to Katie Seal
28/02/16 – £240.00 to Roger Duval
28/02/16 – £146.08 to Katie Seal

5.3 Income
The following income was noted:-

£440.00 from YDNPA

6. Planning

6,1 New Applications
Proposed housing to the rear of Rose & Crown, Bainbridge
Graeme Newton from Randall Orchard attended the meeting (David Collinson sent his apologies) and presented to the parish council and the residents new proposals for an additional 6 houses behind the Rose and Crown, Bainbridge (2x 2 beds, 3x 3 bed and 1x 4 bed. The houses would all be local occupancy properties, but not ‘affordable housing’. Graeme reported how 37 sites had been identified by YDNPA four years ago and out of these sites only one had been built on, therefore, it is believed that there is the need for additional housing within the National Park. Graeme has already approached YDNPA who have no objection to the style and layout of the proposed housing but planning approval would depend on policy. Graeme is keen to agree with both YDNPA and Bainbridge Parish Council on how to build the new houses. Graeme confirmed that the plans are not finalised. The discussion turned to question and answers summarised as follows:-
Member of the Public (MOP): Planning permission has previously been refused on this site, it was not picked as one of the 37 sites identified by YDNPA 4 years ago, why there?
Graeme Newton (GN): We believe that the site is ideal for this sort of development.
MOP: Why? Who is going to live there? Are they going to be holiday homes?
GN: The houses will have a local occupancy restriction in placed so they can be bought by people who fit to this criteria only.
MOP: What is the local occupancy restriction going to specify?
GN: This is not known yet as it will be set by YDNPA.
MOP: Will there be the need to provide a number of affordable housing as per national policy.
Cllr Peacock: National policy relates to areas outside of national parks, therefore there is no need in this case.
GN: YDNPA still maintain they are looking for sites suitable for housing
A MOP referred to the local plan and insisted that the proposed houses did not fit into the criteria set by the local plan.
Cllr Peacock: The local plan has not yet been approved by the Inspector resulting in changes to the policy still being possible, therefore, we cannot refer back to the local plan at this stage.
MOP: I do in principle agree so long as the housing helps the people of the village only and is not just to benefit the Landlord’s pocket.
Cllr Peacock: We are not interested in the financial implications, we are interested in helping all people in the Dales and not just people from Bainbridge.
MOP: Will there be significant impact on the pub car parking resulting in additional cars being parked within the village.
GN: No, the new developed is planned in the field past the car park with a rearrangements of the car park planned.
MOP: Are the properties going to be similar in price to the houses on Hornblower Court?
GN: The new scheme is aimed at under 40s and due to the local occupancy restriction will be priced at approximately 20% less than the market value.
Discussions then moved to the local occupancy restriction and the introduction of the policy changing to after 3 months of being on the market being available to anyone within Richmondshire.
MOP: This means that these houses are not for local people if they can be purchased by anyone within Richmondshire.
Cllr Brown: We need working people within the area to keep the area going and keep supporting local businesses and schools.
MOP: As a speculative builder, do you think you will be able to sell all of the houses with the local occupancy restriction.
GN: Yes, we wouldn’t be doing it otherwise.
MOP: Have the sizes of the houses been picked for a reason? They look to have more room and be more family homes compared to those at Hornblower Court?
GN: These houses have been designed to be family homes, yes.
MOP: Is this the final design you wish to proceed with?
GN: No, we are happy to discuss the design of the site with those living closest to it.
A number of MOPs agreed that they would be prepared to support the inconvenience of the housing if it was outweighed by helping local people of both the village and surrounding area and the practicalities (highways, sewerage etc) had been dealt with sufficiently.

6.2 Ongoing Applications
i. 14/03/08 – R/52/37C – Chapel Farmhouse, Countersett – Not Yet Decided
ii. R/52/185B – West Close Cottage, Stalling Busk – Not Yet Decided
iii. R/52/218 – Field SD91468744, Marsett Lane, Countersett – Approved
iv. R/52/218A – Field SD91874644, Marsett Lane, Countersett – Approved
v. R/52/219 – Stable Cottage, Marsett – Approved

6.3 Planning Appeal / Enforcements
R/52/139B – Wood End, Countersett – Outline planning permission for conversion of barn to form self-contained holiday accomodation

7. Items from External Organisations
7.1 National Park Parish Forum
It was noted that the Parish Forum would be held on Wednesday 23rd March 2016 at 7pm at the National Park Offices in Bainbridge.

7.2 Submission of Local Plan
It was noted that the Local Plan had now been submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for examination.

7.3 Alteration to Register of Electors
The alterations to the register of electors were noted.

8. Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 4th May 2016 at 7pm at Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge.