Minutes Of Bainbridge Parish Council – 4th January 2017

Cllr Brian Brown (Chair) Cllr Yvonne Peacock
Cllr Darren Percival Roger Duvall – Parish Caretaker
Mrs Karen Prudden (Deputising for Clerk)
Five Members of the Public
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Thomas Tennant and Cllr Derek Kettlewell who were both ill.
2. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on 2nd November 2016
Minutes of the meeting had been circulated to all councillors. They were read and agreed at the meeting and signed by the Chair.
3. Declaration of Interest
There were none.
4. Clerk’s Report on Actions taken for the Period 5th November to 28th December 2016 and Ongoing/New Village Issues

Children’s Play Area
The clerk had received a response to her enquiry regarding repairs needed to the equipment at the children’s play area in Bainbridge. Playdale had quoted ‘the cost of the net is £344.00 plus VAT. There would also be extra nuts and washers but you could remove the aforementioned 7no F500 parts. The delivery and installation cost would remain the same. I would advise the full net be replaced as you may find that the ropes will deteriorate one by one resulting in more expense over time. I have included costing for the zip line spring but I cannot find any previous order from us for this unit so was wondering if the unit was one of Playdale’s. From the information I have it doesn’t appear that any of the repairs would be covered under guarantee. My only reservation would be the spring assembly but I would need more information to confirm one way or the other. Please be aware that should the zip line unit not be one of Playdale’s, we would not recommend that you use our spring due to guarantees etc. Total is £531.33 plus VAT.’
Councillors discussed this quotation and agreed that it was important to get the repairs carried out. They asked that the clerk confirm that the quotation of £531.33 plus VAT was the total amount payable for repairing both the net and the zip wire. If so, then they were all in agreement that an order should be placed for the work to be undertaken. Cllr Peacock said that she would approach the Millennium Committee at their next meeting to request a contribution towards the cost of these repairs.
YDNPA Election of Richmondshire Parish Representative – Ballot Paper
Councillors had voted and there was a unanimous decision supporting Allen Kirkbride of Askrigg as the Parish Representative. Allen went on to win his place and now sits as Parish Representative on the YDNPA.
BT Telephone Boxes – Consultation for Removal by BT
Richmondshire District Council has been asked to carry out a phone box removal consultation on behalf of BT. After several false starts, nearly all, if not all, of the phone boxes in the area were selected to be removed by BT. Cllr John Blackie has headed up a fight to keep them until such time as a full, reliable mobile network is available in all areas. During this process, Cllr Blackie has been able to make contact with the BT telephone box repair team and several boxes that were out of order for some years are now on the list for repair.
Councillors have supported the action to keep all the telephone boxes in the Bainbridge Parish.
Cllr Peacock confirmed that Richmondshire District Council had made a decision to support the retention of all telephone boxes in rural areas.
Members of the public present pointed out that the telephone box in Marsett has not been working but has recently been able to be used to make 999 calls only. It is on the list for repair.
Planning Outstanding in the District
R/52/226 – Barn off Blean Lane, Raydaleside
Full planning permission for change of use of barn and erection of extension to form one local occupancy dwelling.
R/52/227/GPDO – Raydale Forest, Bainbridge
Notification under Part 6 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) (England) 2015 to strengthen the existing forest road and increase the capacity of the existing turning point.
There were not comments or objections to these planning applications.
5. To Consider any Items Relating to Highways
The clerk had written to the Highways Department pointing out that councillors were concerned by the greenery, tree saplings and hedges along the road between Bainbridge and Countersett, and on to Marsett which is causing reduced visibility and forcing vehicles into the middle of a very narrow road. She had requested that this be flailed.
Cllr Peacock pointed out that the road from Carr End to Marsett would be closed between 9.30 am and 3.30 pm on 16th and 17th January.
6. Financial Matters

6.1 Bank Accounts
The bank reconciliation was provided to councillors at the meeting and a copy accompanies these minutes. It was noted that approximately £700 had been raised from the donation boxes on Bainbridge Village Green.
6.2 Payments/Purchases/Income
The following payments were authorised:
Roger Duval – £80 – Two months’ work at the YDNPA and further work invoiced for the parish
Lamberts of Leyburn – Wreath for Remembrance Day
D Percival – £170 – Purchase of new lights for Bainbridge Christmas Tree
Mrs G Harrison – £90 – Office Hire at £10 per month
Mr T Fawcett – £84 – Purchase of Bainbridge Christmas Tree
Mrs K Prudden – £108 – Payment for work relating to Funerals & Grave Reservations
Mrs K Prudden – £60 – Payment for Clerking the meeting
Councillors were in agreement to pay Mrs Prudden for standing in for the clerk and preparing the minutes of the meeting.
Cllr Percival was thanked for purchasing 500 new lights for the Christmas tree which everyone agreed looked lovely. It was necessary to ensure the lights were set to the static programme, following complaints. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Percival and Martin MacIntyre who erected and decorated the tree. It is the intention to purchase additional lights for 2017.
6.3 Setting of the Precept for 2017/2018 and Agreeing the Budgets
The clerk had prepared details of expenditure in 2014/15, 2015/16 and expected expenditure for 2016/17 together with a proposed budget for 2017/18. This was considered by councillors who were in agreement with the proposed budget. The issue of the green cutting was discussed and it was not expected that any funding would be provided by the Lords of the Manor. Volunteers were now in place to assist with the cutting during the season and a new mower is due to be provided.
The Chair proposed that the Precept for 2017/2018 remain at £6,500. The remaining councillors were in full agreement.
7. Planning
Current planning matters had been covered in the Clerk’s Report.
7.1 New Planning Applications to Consider
There were none.
8. Cemetery
The Cemetery Superintendent updated councillors on the recent burials and reservations. She provided the cemetery plan to councillors and reassured them that there was still a good number of available grave spaces. Cllr Peacock agreed to contact the Lamberts who own the adjoining field to enquire about them donating some of that to extend the cemetery. Cllr Percival advised that if this was agreed, then the current wall should remain as it was extremely fragile and had shrubs and trees very close. He suggested that a gateway be cut through the existing wall into any extension beyond.
The Superintendent requested that a new Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial certificate book be purchased at a cost of £98.23 plus VAT. Councillors were in agreement that the clerk should order this.
It was also reported that during a recent inspection of the cemetery a couple of new monuments had come to light that had not sought permission of the Parish Council and also not made payment. One of these did not meet the criteria and looked very out of place. Councillors agreed that the Superintendent should contact the respective families explaining the process, seeking payment and in the case of the inappropriate monument, request that it be removed.
8.1 Children’s Play Area
Agreement had been reached earlier in the meeting to proceed with the necessary repairs to the damaged equipment.
Cllr Percival is still awaiting a price from the clerk for the purchase of a new donations box to be sited along the roadway to Low Mill. He has offered to pay for this box and to have it in place in time for visitors.
8.2 Website
The clerk had confirmed that a recent review had been undertaken and the Council’s new website meets the necessary criteria.
Councillors agreed to postpone discussion on offering advertisement space to local businesses until the next meeting.
8.4 Parish Caretaker
The Parish Caretaker confirmed that following the last meeting, he had received a letter from the Clerk requesting that in future he would be required to complete accurate timesheets and provide invoices detailing the work undertaken. Roger expressed his concern that this would be very difficult to manage as some tasks were linked to others. He said he had always submitted timesheets and believed these to be sufficient.
Cllr Peacock pointed out that Roger was self-employed and, in the same way that other contractors would invoice the Council for work undertaken, Roger now needed to do the same. It was suggested that he provide invoices showing dates, locations and more details of work undertaken, submitting one invoice per month to the Parish Council. Roger confirmed that he currently works six hours per week, equating to 288 hours per year.
The Clerk pointed out that there were still two broken benches in Bainbridge that presented a Health & Safety issue and which needed proper repair as soon as possible. Tim Prudden is currently working on a list of priority for all the necessary repairs which will assist the caretaker in completing them. Roger asked the Parish Council for permission to remove a very old, broken child’s bench near the Old Chapel and this was agreed.
The Caretaker then left the meeting.
9. Correspondence Received
Cllr Peacock advised that the new Local Plan had been modified and revised copies had been emailed to councillors today. There was now a policy on the conversion of local barns for local need housing. She also confirmed that the YDNPA would be looking at boundaries and trying to find suitable sites within them to develop.
10. Items for the Next Agenda
Website Advertising
Marsett – Tidiness & De-fibrillator
11. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 7.00 pm at Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge.
12. Public Discussion
Residents from Marsett were present at the meeting and raised the following concerns:-
Tidiness – The whole area of Marsett ‘green’ was in a terrible mess with part-buried farm machinery etc which was seen as a health & safety issue. A request was made that this needs to be removed and tidied. Councillors pointed out that this had always been the case in Marsett, however they agreed that the Clerk should write to the Lords of the Manor informing them that concerns had been raised by residents and requesting that the obsolete farm machinery lying around in Marsett should be removed to address a health & safety concern.
Defibrillator – The matter of installing a de-fibrillator in Marsett was raised once again. Residents believed it was essential to have one given the lack of a mobile telephone signal to summon help and with an increase in the population now that the campsite was open. It was reported that the defibrillator could be sited in the redundant telephone box which has a functioning light, provided the Parish Council adopted the box for £1. A resident expressed concern at this idea believing there was insufficient space in a telephone box to operate the equipment. It was believed that it was unnecessary to have a telephone line connected to the defibrillator. Cllr Peacock advised that this equipment would have to be funded by the community and suggested an approach to the Area Partnership who could award up to £500. She would send details to Guy. She also asked that the Parish Clerk obtain information on how to get a defibrillator.
Blean Lane – David Ballinger has contacted Steve Barker at Highways who has confirmed he is going to look into flooding at Blean Lane.
Broken Streetlights – The streetlight opposite the Tea Room & Hazel’s Roost in Bainbridge is flickering and needs repair.