Minutes of the Parish Council – 2nd May 2018

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 2nd May 2018, at 7.00pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
Present: Cllrs Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Derek Kettlewell, and Thomas Tennant.
Apologies: Darren Percival, Karen Prudden, Roger Duval,
Members of the public
A. Election of Parish Council Chairman / Vice-Chairman
Nominations were received for Brian Brown to remain chairman and this was seconded unanimously. Brian Brown then signed a Declaration of Chairmanship Form. Thomas Tennant was nominated for vice chairman and Derek Kettlewell seconded this. It was resolved therefore that
Chairman – 2018 Brian Brown
Vice Chairman – 2018 Thomas Tennant

1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence
Cllr Percival is seriously ill, but now making a good recovery

2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 7th March 2018 were approved as a true and correct record.

3 Declaration of interest.
None were made

Clerk’s report on actions and Ongoing /new Village issues
The matter of the BAWB schools was revisited and Cllr Peacock reiterated that the council wished to strongly support Bainbridge School as it was a purpose built modern school, it has safe and secure grounds, and has always been very strong on early learning and reception.
Members of the public are getting increasingly concerned over amount of dog fouling in and around Bainbridge village green. The council are considering asking the dog warden to visit the area to inspect and should fouling be identified and the owner of the dog spotted, fines will be issued.
The legal agreement had been drawn up by the Semerwater Sports association and the clerk is to take it away and read it to see if it is suitable. If it is ok, then it needs to be signed by the chairman and the seat added to the insurance.

5. To consider any items relating to Highways
Part of the road network around Semerwater has been resurfaced, however the bit that has been resurfaced was in a better condition than the damaged part of road that has been left. Davide Ballinger said it was a terrible job.
The date of August 2019 was provided by highways for the total resurfacing of the road from Bainbridge to Stalling Busk.
Cllr Peacock said a site meeting was needed with Steve Barker from highways, D Ballinger and herself being in attendance.

B. Financial Matters

B.1 Internal Audit
Action to appoint Jo Reynolds as internal auditor
The council agreed to appoint and accept the work of Joanna Reynolds. A fee of £25 was agreed

B.2 Agree and sign the certificate of Exemption where gross income or expenditure did not exceed £25,000 in the year of account ended 31 March 2018
The certificate was signed, and the clerk is to submit the certificate to the External auditor PKF Littlejohn.

B.3 Annual Governance Statement
Action To consider the statements from section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement and confirm where appropriate.
The council approved the statements and agreed all was in order. The form was signed by the chairman and the clerk.

B.4 Presentation of the accounts for the year 2017/2018
Action to consider /approve the accounts presented for 2017/2018 and agree and sign Accounting statements 2017/18
The council all received a copy of the annual accounts and it was agreed to approve the accounts for the year ended 17/18.

C. Annual Reviews
C.1 Insurance
Action to confirm the insurance renewal
The Turner seat is to be added once the legal agreements and the official transfer of asset has taken place.

C.2 Procedural Documents
Action: To review the following documents and approve any changes needed: –
• Standing Orders
• Financial Regulations
• Financial Risk Assessment
• H&S Risk Assessments
Cllr Peacock proposed to accept all the documents and the remaining Cllrs seconded the proposal.


Payments/Purchases/Income –
The following payments were authorised
1. Yorkshire Local Councils Associations annual membership fee – £200
2. Roger Duvall Parish Caretaker fees – No invoices submitted yet
3. RDC – Play park maintenance checks £175.97
4. O’Reilly £104.40 – Annual Payroll work
5. Approval of Annual Insurance payment to Came and Company

7. Planning
No new applications to consider

8. Cemetery
To receive the annual accounts/Report for the year April 2017 to March 2018
Karen Prudden presented the annual accounts for the cemetery to the council
(see attached report)

8.1 Children’s Play Area
There are concerns over dog fouling on the play area.
The council is looking into getting the dog warden to attend

Village Green
Nothing to report


Parish Caretaker
Jobs allocated by the council to the caretaker for May/June
Bainbridge Notice Board is leaking
Worton Notice Board is leaking
Tree – near phone box in Bainbridge
Replace a rotten post on the village green -6” pipe required
Drain blocked near the village green, Roger to look at it.

Correspondence Received
Data protection – New regulations
Cllr Peacock said that it was important for the council to start work towards complying with the new data protection regulations. This work will be ongoing. The clerk is to investigate registering the council with the data commissioner.

10. Items for next meeting agenda
Pathway – Lords of the Manor
Data Protection update – ongoing

11. Date of next meeting.
Wednesday 4th July 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge –

Meeting closed 8.00pm