Minutes of the Parish Council – Wednesday 5th September 2018


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 5th September 2018, at 7.00pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge


Present: Cllrs Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Darren Percival, Derek Kettlewell, and Thomas Tennant.  


Karen Prudden


Members of the public


1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence


2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4th July 2018 were approved as a true and correct record.

3 Declaration of interest.  

None were made

4. Clerk’s report on actions and Ongoing /new Village issues

Bainbridge Parish Council – Clerks Report – August/September 2018

Village deposit boxes

The deposit boxes on the green were damaged by the travelers on the way to Appleby Fair.  Tim Prudden is liaising with Brian Clarkson to work out a way forward, either repair or replace.  In the meantime, Tim has been emptying the boxes regularly. There is currently £80.16 held by the clerk waiting to be deposited at the HSBC.  Many thanks to Tim as this is a vital resource to the village and it is a time-consuming job.

Highways site meeting

The council requested Richard Marr of NYCC highways attend a site meeting in and around the Bainbridge area.  An invitation was sent, however Mr Marr advised that he is leaving post and he will pass on the invitation to the new position holder.

HSBC New Signatures Mandate

Add Darren Percival to the cheque signatories and remove Ian Canavan.  New forms have been obtained, the current signatories are Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Thomas Tennant, Derek Kettlewell and Ian Canavan.

Pathway to Bainbridge School

The council would like to consider stepping the pathway up the side of Riverdale to school.  This land is of course owned by the Lords of the Manor – update from YP

Turner Seat

David Ballinger is liaising with Shane Metcalfe over an appropriate a signed legal agreement from the Sports Association.  Currently the Parish Council are unable to insure the Turner seat as they do not have an insurable interest.

Sycamore Tree – Bottom green

The parish council have supported a resident who has asked permission from the YDNPA to fell the large sycamore tree on the bottom green on the grounds of health and safety.  The Lords of the Manor, The Parish Council along with the resident and the YDNPA are now looking to site 2 x new trees on the green to replace the one that is to be felled and will be meeting on the green to look and decide on suitable locations.


Roger the village caretaker is due to have surgery and is likely to be off work for some time.  In the meantime, the strimmer is to be held at Metcalfe’s Garage on the bridge.

5. To consider any items relating to Highways

As soon as is practical, flailing of the roadsides from Bainbridge to Marsett and out of Bainbridge heading towards Hawes especially near the layby are considered essential.

B. Financial Matters
6.1 Payments/Purchases/Income –The following payments were authorised

  1. Oginet – Hosting and maintenance of the website 12 months £150.00
  2. Gillian Harrison – £8.55 Stationery
  3. John Banks – £200 for cutting the grass in the cemetery
6.2 Current Financial Balances

Bainbridge Parish Council account 9259– Balance as at 01/06/18 – £1859.68

Banbridge Parish Council No2 account – Balance as at 01/08/18 – £5140.77

Bainbridge Parish Council Current account – Balance as at 01/08/18 – £7843.41

NB Funds are included in the totals that must be spent on items for the transparency code. I.e. website costs, and money to buy a lap top computer plus the ring-fenced money for the cemetery.

7. Planning

28/08/2018 R/52/101D

Hall Bank Barn, Hall Bank Farm, Bainbridge
Full planning permission for change of use of barn to form one local occupancy dwelling

The council support local occupancy, but object to it being a holiday cottage.

28/08/2018 R/52/26A/LB

School House, Countersett
Listed building consent for removal of slates, repairing of timbers where necessary and replace with original slates

No comment

8. Cemetery

A complaint letter had been submitted to the Cemetery secretary Karen Prudden with regards to the incorrect placing of a grave.

It was decided that the council should advise the contract grave digger about the pending complaint and place him on notice in case of a claim.

Karen is to liase with all parties to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.

9. Parish CaretakerThe caretaker is due to have an operation, so no work has been allocated.  It was proposed that imminent work should be allocated to Matthew Metcalfe.  This was agreed by the council and the work that is imminent is as follows: –

      1. Remove the tree by the phone box
      2. Rotten post to be removed and replaced on the village green
  • Fill in the hole on the village green near the quoits pitch
10. Children’s Play Area     Standing item

Consider any necessary repairs –

The spring needs repairing – YP is to ask Gary Hudson of RDC for advice

Villagers reported that some visitors had been swinging their dogs on the children’s swings

11. Local Health Issues

To receive updates from the UDAP meeting and local health discussion groups.

The Central Dales Practice stated that the notice that had been mail shot to residents was nothing to do with them and their advice is to use the local facilities for dispensing.

12. Date of next meeting.

Wednesday 7th November 2018 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge –

Meeting closed 8.40pm