Notice of the Bainbridge Parish Council Annual General meeting to be held on Tuesday 7th May 2019

Bainbridge Parish Council – Annual Meeting
To members of the Parish Council you are hereby summonsed to attend the Meeting of the Bainbridge Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 7th May 2019, at 7.00 pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge for the purposes of transacting the business on the following Agenda.
A. Election of Parish Council Chairman/Vice-Chairman
Following the uncontested election – All councillors must complete:

1. Declaration of acceptance of office – completed at meeting
2. Members Interest forms – completed within 28 days of election (30 May 19)
3. Elections Expenses forms – Must be submitted to RDC by 30 May 19
1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence

2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 6th March 2019. (Copy sent out via e-mail)

3 Declaration of interest. (declarations need to be re-stated for the minutes even if an interest has been declared in the register)

4 Clerk’s report on actions taken for the period March 2019 to April 2019 and Ongoing /new Village issues

To include an update on the plans for the travellers stopping off en route to Appleby.

5. To consider any items relating to Highways

B. Financial Matters

B.1 Internal Audit
Action to appoint Jo Reynolds as internal auditor

B.2 Agree and sign the certificate of Exemption where gross income or expenditure did not exceed £25,000 in the year of account ended 31 March 2019

Annual Governance Statement
Action To consider the statements from section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement and confirm where appropriate

B.4 Presentation of the accounts for the year 2018/2019
Action to consider /approve the accounts presented for 2018/2019 and agree and sign Accounting statements 2018/19

C. Annual Reviews
C.1 Insurance
Action to confirm the insurance renewal

Procedural Documents

Action: To review the following documents and approve any changes needed: –
Standing Orders
Financial Regulations
Financial Risk Assessment
H&S Risk Assessments

6.0 Financial Matters
Payments/Purchases/Income –
Action: to authorize the following payments:

1. Yorkshire Local Councils Associations annual membership fee – £203
2. Gillian Harrison – Ink – £35.38
4. O’Reilly £108.00 – Annual Payroll work
5. Approval of Annual Insurance payment to Came and Company – £360.95

Note the receipt of the 1st instalment of the precept – £3255
Complete the new SO for the change of amounts payable monthly to the clerk as per the approval last month to the statutory pay award.
6.2 Approval to sign O’Reilly Accountants engagement letter for Payroll

6.3 Acceptance of the NYCC offer letter of £400 towards the repairs to the playground

7. Planning
7.1 New Planning applications to consider
R/52/84B Former Pumping Station, Countersett
Full planning permission for conversion of old pumping station to accommodate camping pod and creation of associated parking

7.2 Update on outstanding planning applications
R/52/94Z Land to the rear of The Rose & Crown Hotel, Bainbridge

8. Cemetery
To receive accounts/Report for the year April 2018 to March 2019

8.1 Children’s Play Area
Standing Item
Update on Repairs
Consider the letter from RDC
Consider request from member of the public re-signs for dogs

Village Green
Standing item
Quotes for new path way

8.3 Turner Seat

8.4 Notice board for Countersett

9 Correspondence Received

10 Items for next meeting agenda

11 Date of next meeting.
July 2019, 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge

Signed Parish Clerk: Gillian Harrison ……………………………………………Date……29th April 2019……