Draft Minutes of the Parish Council – Tuesday 8th January 2019


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 8th January 2019, at 7.00pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge

Present: Cllrs Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Derek Kettlewell, and Thomas Tennant. 

Karen Prudden

Members of the public

1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence


2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on


The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 7th November 2018 were approved as a true and correct record. 

3 Declaration of interest

None were made



Clerk’s report on actions and Ongoing /new Village issues


Village deposit boxes

Brian Clarkson has agreed to repair/replace the deposit boxes on the green, Tim has been emptying the boxes regularly – ongoing.

HSBC New Signatures Mandate

Add Darren Percival to the cheque signatories and remove Ian Canavan.  New forms have been obtained, the current signatories are Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Thomas Tennant, Derek Kettlewell and Ian Canavan.  The completed forms have been submitted to add Darren but have been returned for extra signatories.

Pathway to Bainbridge School

The council would like to consider stepping the pathway up the side of Riverdale to school.  This land is of course owned by the Lords of the Manor – update from YP

Turner Seat

David Ballinger is liaising with Shane Metcalfe over an appropriate a signed legal agreement from the Sports Association.   The seat is now owned by the Parish council having been officially donated and is covered by the parish insurance.

Sycamore Tree – Bottom green

The Sycamore Tree has now been felled and new trees have been planted by way of replacement.


5. To consider any items relating to Highways


The clerk is to contact Ian Beighton with a view to asking him to come to the village for a meeting to discuss

  1. Problems with cars parking at junctions
  2. Problems with the one-way system near the Rose and Crown
  3. Problems with speeding motorbikes leaving the village past the Rose and Crown and up towards Hawes.

Area 1 are also to be asked to look at the road around the crescent as it is in desperate need of resurfacing.

6. Financial Matters







Payments/Purchases/Income –


The following payments were authorised

  1. Gillian Harrison – £100 – Office expenses

The clerk had left the cheque book at the office and so this invoice will need presenting again at the March meeting.

6.2 Current Financial Balances


Bainbridge Parish Council account 9259– Balance as at 01/01/19 – £1861.01

Banbridge Parish Council No2 account – Balance as at 01/01/19 – £5144.26

Bainbridge Parish Council Current account – Balance as at 01/01/19 – £10581.42


NB Funds are included in the totals that must be spent on items for the transparency code. I.e. website costs, and money to buy a lap top computer plus the ring-fenced money for the cemetery.

Note that £93.86 was paid in from the Deposit Boxes

Note that £234.90 was paid to Metcalfe and Sons Garage for fuel and mower repairs

6.3 Setting of the precept for 19/20 and agreeing the budgets


The council having reviewed previous years expenditure and considered possible new expenditure agreed on a budget of £7495 and resolved to request a precept pf £6510

The council also agreed to transfer £8000 from the current account to the deposit account to ring fence the money for the cemetery.

See copy of budget attached


7. Planning applications to consider    



Former Pumping Station, Countersett
Full planning permission for conversion of old pumping station to a camping barn

Cllrs commented on how they couldn’t see how this application fit with YDNPA policies.

Cllrs resolved to object to the application on the following grounds: –




Not in keeping with YDNPA policies

8. Cemetery


The cemetery Secretary advised the council that she is in the process of compiling a document that compares fees and memorials of cemeteries in the area.

Andrew Nicholson has quoted £250 plus vat for grave digging.  Cllrs accepted this quote.

The stone wall near the entrance to the cemetery needs repairing.  Cllr Percival is to have a look at it.

8.1 Children’s Play Area   Standing item

Consider any necessary repairs –

It was agreed by the council to proceed with repairs on the Zip wire.  Cllr Peacock is to try and order the spares required through the Playground contact at RDC and the council authorised expenditure of up to £500.

The clerk is to contact Cllr Blackie to see if he would consider a £400 NYCC locality grant for the playground repairs.

It was also reported that a culvert had opened near the children’s play area and Cllr Tennant is to contact the secretary of the Lords of the Manor to make them aware that there is a problem.

8.2 Parish Caretaker

It was resolved that repairs and maintenance work would be commissioned on an as and when required basis.




Recycle Bin Placement –

Consider a new location for the recycling bins (moving from the school)

 It was decided that the Clerk approach the YDNPA to see if they would consider housing the village recycling bins in their car park.




Appleby Fair Travellers

Review the penalty for the travellers that caused problems in 2018 (did they receive a court order

Cllr Peacock said that they would arrange a meeting in the next couple of months with the police to work together for 2019.


9. Correspondence received

Nothing to note

10. Items for the next agenda


Review Asset register


11. Date of next meeting.

Tuesday 5th March 2019 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge –

Meeting closed 8.30pm