Minutes of the Parish Council 6th July 2017


Minutes of the Parish Council held on Thursday 6th July 2017, at 7.00pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge

Present: Cllrs Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Darren Percival, Derek Kettlewell, and Thomas Tennant.

Apologies: None

Karen Prudden, Roger Duval,

Members of the public

A minutes silence was held in respect of the passing of the late Parish Council Chairman James Fawcett


1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence


2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 3rd May 2017 were approved as a true and correct record.

3 Declaration of interest.

None were made

4 Clerk’s report on actions taken since the last meeting

Village Green Donation boxes

The donation boxes had been emptied with the kind help of Tim Prudden and £  467.40

has been banked.

Turner Seat

The Turner Seat situation was still ongoing, Cllr Percival is going to look into the matter further by visiting the seat.

Zip Wire in the playground

The zip wire has been reported again by RDC playground inspector and so the clerk is to try and contact the company who installed the wire.  In the meantime Cllr Percival will have a look to see if anything can be done at a local level.

Marsett Street Light

The street light on the telephone box in Marsett has been repaired

Photo Shoot on Bainbridge Village Green

Cllr Peacock advised the meeting that Burberry fashion house had taken photos on the village green.  A sum of £100 had been promised as a donation to Cllr Peacock, however she had not had chance to see the crew before they left.  The clerk is to contact Burberry to see if the £100 can be retrieved, if no success ask West Burton if they received a donation and who the contact was.

Car parking area – Lords of the Manor

The Lords of the Manor had been briefed on the hole in the car park near the Quaker houses.  Chairman Roger Lambert advised that necessary repairs would take place.

Marsett Defibrillator

It was decided to apply for a UDAP grant towards to the defibrillator with the remainder of the monies coming from local fund-raising.



5. To consider any items relating to Highways

The clerk was asked to report the placing of stones on the side of the highway near Car End between Countersett and Marsett.

Cllr Peacock had requested that road works taking place on the Marsett road should not close on the 4th July as there was a funeral taking place and the closure of the road would cause unnecessary problems.  Ian Beighton of highways issued instruction that this would be taken into consideration, however the new instruction were not followed.

The clerk is to contact Ian Beighton to advise him that his revised instructions were not adhered to.


6. Financial Matters


6.1 Bank accounts

Bainbridge Parish Council deposit account – Balance as at 1/6/17 – £1858.47

Banbridge Parish Council No2 account – Balance as at 01/06/17 -£5137.94

Bainbridge Parish Council Current account – Balance as at 01/06/16– £5905.35

Total £12,901.76





Payments/Purchases/Income –

Action: The Council authorised the following payments:

·        Roger Duval – £217.27 –  Caretaker work for May

·        Mrs Jo Reynolds – £25.00  – Internal audit

·        Playdale – £831.12 – playpark repairs(previously approved)

·        Gill Harrison – £11.79 – Dogs on lead sign for village green

·        John Banks – £300 – Grass cutting in the cemetery

·        Karen Prudden – £44 – Work related to the Cemetery

To note £467.40 was collected from the deposit boxes on the green and paid into the main bank account.

To note that a £20 donation was received

Cllr Peacock proposed that the council donate £50 towards the brass band that plays on August Bank holiday.  It was resolved that the Parish council would donate £50.


7. Planning

No new applications.

R/52/65D Barn at East Hill Top Countersett.  This application was due to go to the planning committee for a decision.

The clerk was asked to write to the YDNPA as follows:-

As the application has now been amended to say Holiday let or Local occupancy, and the officer has now recommended the application on the afore mentioned basis, the Parish Council have decided to make further comment as follows:-

The Parish Council are strongly opposed to the renovation of the barn into a holiday let.

The material considerations for this are:-

The area has a substantial number of existing holiday lets and it is felt that this market is already well served in the locality

The Parish Council are strongly for the barn being converted into a permanent dwelling for local occupancy.

The material considerations for this are:-

There is a shortage of local occupancy dwellings

There is a shortage of new homes for local people in Richmondshire and especially in the YDNPA areas

The council are strongly in support of a living and working landscape,

The council are strongly in support of offering affordable homes to local people

The council are in strong agreement that they wish to see more affordable quality homes to help prevent young people leaving the area

We would ask that this representation is including in the material to committee members.






Unauthorised Access – Stable Cottage Marsett

Correspondence was read out from Matthew Cunningham with regards to a newly made unauthorised access onto Bardale common from Stable Cottage – Marsett

The Parish Council have already reported this matter to Highways, and as this is matter relates to private ground the Parish Council are not able to get involved any further.

The clerk is to write to Mr Cunningham to explain this and that this now brings the Parish Council involvement to a close.


9. Cemetery

·        To consider the expansion of the cemetery

·        To consider the new brochure and information leaflet to be issued to all burial

·        enquiries

The clerk read out guidance that she had received from YLCA regarding Cemetery Land considerations.

Cllr Peacock as the council to give serious consideration to the following:-

1.      Should the council agree to purchase a piece of land adjacent to the existing cemetery?

2.      What price would be acceptable?

3.      Could a price be agreed and the price be held to a later date?

4.      Should this process be done in stages to accommodate the costs involved.

It was resolved that a sub committee should be formed to discuss this issue independently, this way plenty of time could be allocated for such an important decision.  The following members of the council requested to be on the Cemetery Committee:-

Cllr Brian Brown

Cllr Yvonne Peacock

Cllr Darren Percival

Cllr Thomas Tennant

Cllr Derek Kettlewell

Clerk to the Cemetery – Karen Prudden


The Cemetery Committee are authorised by the Council to:-

1.      Agree to the size of the plot required for 100 years

2.      Talk to the Land Agent

The Cemetery Committee are to report back to the full council meeting and report their proposals.

Karen Prudden brought the new Cemetery brochure to the meeting for approval.  The council were happy with the brochure with the exception of Bainbridge would allow artificial flowers and Natural Rocks as head stones would be permitted with permission.

The new brochure is to be produced and lodged with the undertakers and issued should they receive an enquiry.


10. Parish Caretaker – Standing Item

A list of jobs that are requiring attention from the caretaker for July and August are as follows:-

White Post needs repairing/replacing on the Village Green in Bainbridge

Strimming around the village signs

The Sextons hut needs some repairs

Village notice board in Bainbridge is leaking and needs attention.

Cllr Percival asked the Caretaker if he would be able to store the Parish Strimmer at the Garage in the village so that other parishioners could have access to it.  Paul Metcalfe had agreed to storing the strimmer.

It was resolved that the strimmer should be kept at the garage in Bainbridge.






Village Green and Appleby Travellers

The chairman reported that it had been decided that the fence should not been erected around the village green at the behest of the request of a senior member of the Lords of the Manor.  He went on to say that overall the travellers had not been too bad.

A local resident explained that travellers had brought horses up to their farm gate and were allowing the horses to graze areas that were not common land.  They didn’t feel that they could say anything as they felt intimidated.

Some of the travellers were walking right past their property to go fishing and taking along dogs without permission.  The resident explained that under normal circumstances they would have said something but didn’t feel in this instance that they could.

Cllr Peacock suggested inviting the police along to the Parish Council meeting so that residents could express their concerns directly to Inspector Crocker.


12. Local Health Issues

To consider adopting the defibrillator at Sycamore Hall as a community asset

The matter of adopting the defibrillator at Sycamore Hall as a community asset was discussed and it was resolved that Bainbridge Parish Council would adopt the defibrillator that is sited at Sycamore Hall and the clerk is to advise Jane Ritchie that this was been agreed.

The defibrillator machine will now need adding to the asset register




Yorkshire Dales National Park – Management Plan

To consider three questions

·        What do you love about the National Park?

·        How do you thing the National Park could be improved?

·        And, what do you think are the three most important issues for the National Park

              Management Plan to tackle over the next five years?

The council decided to submit the following:-

What do you love about the YDNP?

Enjoy living and working in a deeply rural small vibrant local community

How do you think the National Park could be improved?

Create more quality jobs

Create more attractive affordable housing

Be treated equally with areas of a greater population

Greater consistency with planning decisions

What are the three most important issues for the YDNP management plan to tackle over the next five years?

Maintaining a living and working landscape (no further erosion of the youth of the dales)

Sustainable communities (the correct infrastructure to attract new people)

Community facilities – Such as a local Swimming pool or Golf Course.

An Effective NHS service including, Local Drs Surgeries, An effective and available Ambulance service and Hospital treatment not over 50 miles from home.





Correspondence Received

1.      UDAP – Grant Scheme – From Richmondshire District Council

2.      YLCA – invitation to joint Annual Meeting




Cllr Peacock explained that there is to be a Electoral reform in the area.  The number of Richmondshire District Councillors are to be reduced from 34 to 24.  This is to reflect the changing patterns of population that have taken place over time.

Cllr Kettlewell advised the meeting that an unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the meeting that took place in Stalling Busk in 1996 to discuss and put together the idea/concept of “The Right to Roam” would be taking place on the 1st Saturday in October and that the Parish Council were invited.


16 Items for next meeting agenda

Asset register

Inspector Crocker – NY Police


17. Date of next meeting.

Wednesday 6th September 2017, 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge

Meeting closed at 9.35pm