Draft Minutes of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th March 2019, at 7.00pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
Present: Cllrs Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Derek Kettlewell, Daren Percival and Thomas Tennant.
Karen Prudden
Members of the public
1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence
2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 8th January 2019 were approved as a true and correct record.
3 Declaration of interest.
None were made
Clerk’s report on actions and Ongoing /new Village issues
Village deposit boxes
The deposit boxes on the green were damaged by the travelers on the way to Appleby Fair. Tim Prudden is liaising with Brian Clarkson and we understand Brian has agreed to, either repair or replace. In the meantime, Tim has been emptying the boxes regularly. There is currently £80.16 held by the clerk waiting to be deposited at the HSBC. Many thanks to Tim as this is a vital resource to the village and it is a time-consuming job.
Highways site meeting
Dear Ian Beighton, 10/1
At the recent Bainbridge Parish Council meeting several matters were highlighted with regards to the village traffic management.
1. Problems with cars parking at junctions
2. Problems with the one-way system near the Rose and Crown
3. Problems with speeding motorbikes leaving the village past the Rose and Crown and up towards Hawes.
Cllr Yvonne Peacock has suggested that we email and arrange a mutually convenient appointment for you to come to Bainbridge and meeting with her and thus enable her to show you exactly the issues in hand.
Pathway to Bainbridge School
The council would like to consider stepping the pathway up the side of Riverdale to school. This land is of course owned by the Lords of the Manor – YP advised that the Lords of the Manor were happy for the Parish council to proceed with these improvement works.
It was resolved that the following should take place:
3 quotes to be obtained by Cllr Percival from:
Colin Teasdale
Paul Metcalfe
Peter Iveson
Once the quotes have been obtained the clerk will apply to RDC for a grant towards the costs of the works. The clerk will also contact the Lords of the Manor to ask them to consider contributing.
Turner Seat
David Ballinger is liaising with Shane Metcalfe over an appropriate a signed legal agreement from the Sports Association. Currently the Parish Council are unable to insure the Turner seat as they do not have an insurable interest.
NYCC Locality Fund
Thank you for your e-mail. The Upper Dales Locality Fund will be pleased to offer you £400 for the repairs to the Zip Wire on Bainbridge Village Green that as you say is a very popular facility on the playpark. Leave it with me to do the necessary paperwork and you will hear from me or NYCC in due course, all as per my e-mail inviting applications.
Best wishes
John Blackie
Recycling Bins
So far YDNPA site was found unsuitable to home the village recycling bins by RDC
Dales Police Report – February 2019
The following incidents of note have occurred in the Dales area this month –
On the evening of 19th January, a red Vauxhall Insignia car had damage caused to its wing mirror. It is often worth taking a minute to fold your wing mirrors in if parked on a road overnight.
Overnight on the 20th January thieves broke off and stole a spare wheel attached to a Land rover Defender parked up at Fremington.
Overnight on the 21st January the Hawes Auction Market Canteen was broken into through a secure window. Sensibly, no money is left in the till but a green tips jar containing cash was taken.
During the weekend of 27th to 28th January the public toilets opposite the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes suffered some extensive vandalism. It is disappointing that anyone could take amusement from such a pointless act. The scene has been forensically examined and enquiries continue to trace the culprit(s).
On the afternoon of 29th January, a Ford Ranger hard top was stolen from a farm at Angram.
Following a series of suspicious phone calls left on the school answer phone, Wensleydale School evacuated all pupils and staff from the premises on the morning of 4th February. Officers attended and checked the buildings and were satisfied that there was no risk. An investigation is now under way by local CID officers to trace the person who made the hoax calls. School and Police were satisfied that the evacuation procedures worked very effectively.
Overnight on 5th February two secure quad bikes were stolen from a farm at Cubeck near Aysgarth. The Polaris machines were chained together. Please take another look at your farm security and contact us at Leyburn Police Office if you want any security advice. CCTV, Trackers, lighting, strong locks and signage can all help to protect your property.
Overnight on the 11th February a John Deere ‘mule’ vehicle was stolen from a farm at Lunds above Hawes. Across the county there has been a rise in such thefts, so please be aware and report anything suspicious.
As the seizure of two suspected criminal’s vehicles in Upper Wensleydale last month shows, we very much rely on information passed to us by members of the public for the police to work effectively. This is a two-way process, so I would encourage you to sign up to our community messaging – brief reports sent to your phone or e-mail. Registering is easy. You can sign up on line at or fill in a form available at your local police office.
PC 558 Julian Sutcliffe
Dales Neighbourhood Police Team
13th Feb 2019
Gillian Harrison
4.1 To consider any items relating to Highways
The clerk contacted Ian Beighton with a view to asking him to come to the village for a meeting to discuss the following
1. Problems with cars parking at junctions
2. Problems with the one-way system near the Rose and Crown
3. Problems with speeding motorbikes leaving the village past the Rose and Crown and up towards Hawes.
So far, the dates provided by Ian Beighton have not suited Cllrs.
Cllr Kettlewell stated that the drain under Busk Lane, located at High Blean had collapsed.
5. Financial Matters
5.1 Current Financial Balances
Bainbridge Parish Council account 9259– Balance as at 01/01/19 – £1861.87
Banbridge Parish Council No2 account – Balance as at 01/01/19 – £5146.80
Bainbridge Parish Council Current account – Balance as at 01/01/19 – £10581.45
NB Funds are included in the totals that must be spent on items for the transparency code. I.e. website costs, and money to buy a lap top computer plus the ring-fenced money for the cemetery.
5.2 The Clerk
The annual appraisal for the clerk and the approval of progress to the next point on the pay scale – to SCP20 – £10.37 per hour which includes the NALC national salary award to start 1st April 2019.
The council approved the pay award from the 1st April.
Payments/Purchases/Income –
The following payments were authorised
1. Gillian Harrison – Office expenses Oct to March – £100 (Approved at the Jan meeting but the cheque book was not present
2. Annual Refuse invoice for the Cemetery – £45 – RDC
3. Playpark annual inspection charges – £180.02 – RDC
4. T Fawcett – £96 for the annual village Christmas Tree
5. K Prudden –
6. Planning
6. New Planning applications to consider
06/02/2019 R/52/92E
Countersett Hall, Countersett Village Streets, Countersett
Full planning permission for alterations to existing garage to be used as office/art studio/laundry/linen store and playroom
Cllrs commented that the property should be subjected to a clause 106 with the condition that the unit should never be permitted as a separate holiday let accommodation.
11/07/2017 R/52/94Z
Land to the rear of The Rose & Crown Hotel, Bainbridge
Full planning permission for erection of 2 No. two bedroom and 3 No. three bedroom affordable dwellings
Raise why the decision notice has not been issued.
Cllrs resolved that the clerk should email the YDNPA as follows: –
Dear Sirs
At the Parish Council meeting held in Bainbridge on the 5th March 2019, the matter of planning permission for the above application was discussed and the council
Resolved to contact the YDNPA to request reasons why a decision notice has not been issued for R/52/94Z in view that the planning committee has voted to pass the application twice. In addition to this it is believed that there is no hold up from the applicant. The council cannot understand why the YDNPA Planning department has not issued the appropriate Decision notice as these houses at a discounted rate meet the criteria set out in the planning guidelines set by National Government.
The Council looks forward to a swift response as it is understood that there are 9 families in for these 5 houses and the area needs to attract and retain young families as set out by the YDNPA and Richmondshire District Council recent policies as a matter of priority.
Kind regards
Brian Brown
Bainbridge Parish Council
8. Cemetery
The cemetery secretary advised the meeting that she had been comparing prices among all the local burial grounds.
It was resolved that the charges should stay the same.
8.1 Children’s Play Area Standing item
Consider any necessary repairs –
It was agreed by the council to proceed with repairs on the Zip wire. Cllr Percival is to contact the relevant company and discuss obtaining the relevant replacement part.
8.2 Parish Maintenance
It was resolved that repairs and maintenance work the following village benches should take place:
1. Cockburn bench
2. Bench above the Hydro
3. School Hill bench (Old School)
Cllr Percival is to attend to the masonry issues and Cllr Brown is to contact Cockney John from Helm with a view to getting a price to repair the woodwork.
It was agreed that a letter be sent to Paul, Matthew and Christopher Metcalfe, thanking them for all the village maintenance work they do and to ask them how much the parish owes them for their time.
A member of the public asked if it would be possible for Countersett to have a notice board. It was resolved that Karen Prudden get the details of the last notice board ordered and then pass the details on with a view to it being placed on the next meeting’s agenda.
Appleby Fair Travellers
Cllr Peacock held a meeting with the police to decide the way forward. They resolved the following: –
1. Managed site arrives Friday 31st May pm and leave Monday 4th June AM
2. There will be large notices on the village green displaying the dates
3. Leaflets with important information will be distributed to residents
4. Leaflets will be distributed to the travellers by the Police with the details of the managed site.
The village green honesty boxes are to be emptied and removed before the travellers arrive.
Cllr Peacock, the clerk and Karen Prudden are to meet up and work out the way forward with the wording and the creation of the agreed leaflets and posters.
10 Correspondence received
YDNPA Forum meetings
11. Items for the next agenda
Village meeting
11. Date of next meeting.
Tuesday 7th May 2019 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge –
Meeting closed 8.45pm