Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting- 6th September 2017

Minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 6th September 2017, at 7.00pm in Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
Present: Cllrs Brian Brown, Yvonne Peacock, Darren Percival, Derek Kettlewell, and Thomas Tennant.
Apologies: None
Karen Prudden, Roger Duval,
Members of the public

1 Consideration of Apologies for Absence

2 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 6th July 2017 and the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on the 7th August 2017 were approved as a true and correct record.

3 Declaration of interest.
None were made

4 Clerk’s report and matters arising
Turner Seat
The Turner Seat situation was still ongoing, parishioner Geoffrey Keeble asked the council to consider adopting the seat as he said it would be a travesty to lose it. The Council is to seek insurance quotes and decide at the November meeting the way forward. It was reiterated that the YDNPA do not wish to take responsibility for the seat.
Marsett Defibrillator
Mr Sowerby visited the clerk and advised that they didn’t think it was a good idea to attach a defibrillator to the chapel wall. It was therefore decided that the purchase of a defibrillator for Marsett would be put on hold pending a suitable public location.
Stalling Busk
Cllr Kettlewell updated the meeting on the ridiculous number of workmen and visits to replace/ repair of a street light in Stalling Busk. He declared it a complete waste of money and time. Cllr Peacock said she would report back to highways.
Annual accounts
The annual accounts have been signed off by the external auditors and the details are now available on the website for year ended 17/18.
Bainbridge Chapel
Cllr Yvonne Peacock advised the meeting that Bainbridge Methodist Chapel had had its last service and is now to be closed. She went on to say that she was concerned over the loss of a community building. She said that should a planning application come in for the conversion of the old chapel, special consideration should be given as to not permit its conversion to housing as there is no parking with the building. Cllr Peacock suggested that a letter should be written to the Methodist Diocese outlining the parish councils concerns as follows: –
The building has been used recently by the YDNPA, the village school and craft groups and as such the closure means a loss of a local community building.
The community will be looking for compensation for loss of such a community asset when considering any future planning application with regards to the conversion of the Chapel.

5. To consider any items relating to Highways
The gully between Semerdale to Countersett needs clearing ready for winter. The clerk is to approach highways with a request.
Worton – Street light
The clerk is to request that the council repair the street light in Worton on the LHS as you approach Worton from Aysgarth
Ian Ballinger advised the meeting that he had been updated on the resurfacing works for Blean Lane and he had told that the lane was scheduled for this financial year.

6. Financial Matters

6.1 Payments/Purchases/Income –
The following payments were authorised

06.09.17 Gillian Harrison 1173 138.15
06.09.17 Roger Duval (July and August) 1174 340.89
06.09.17 John Banks 1175 200.00
06.09.17 Karen Prudden 1176 40.00
06.09.17 Oginet 1177 150.00
29.09.17 Gillian Harrison SO 161.18

Payments authorised over £100
Gillian Harrison £138.15 – Extra work involved with the extraordinary meeting
Roger Duval – Two months caretaking – £340.89
John Banks – £200 – Grass cutting cemetery
Oginet – Website maintenance £150
Gillian Harrison – £161.18 clerk’s remuneration

6.1 Bank accounts –
Bainbridge Parish Council deposit account – Balance as at 1/6/17 – £1858.47
Banbridge Parish Council No2 account – Balance as at 01/06/17 -£5137.94
Bainbridge Parish Council Current account – Balance as at 01/06/16– £4414.88
NB Funds are included in the totals that must be spent on items for the transparency code. I.e. website costs, and money to buy a lap top computer.

7a. Hill top House
A resident has written to the Parish Council re car parking issues.
It was resolved that Cllr Derek Kettlewell would speak to the people involved.

7. Planning
The council reviewed the following planning applications
R/52/219A Stable Cottage, Marsett
Full planning permission for redirection and widening of existing track through coppice, and creation of new access onto unclassified road (retrospective)
The council resolved that they have no comment to make on this application. (see minutes of the July 17 meeting)
R/52/30U/GPDO East Borwins, Bainbridge
Notification under part 6 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) (England) 2015 to roof over muck midden to prevent effluent run-off into the water course
Advice only of a permitted development
R/52/139G Wood End Lodge, Marsett Lane, Countersett
Full planning permission for erection of cart shed/store with two residential units above to provide staff accommodation; erection of log store with owners studio to first floor; erection of bins/oil tank enclosure; construction of natural stone boundary walls and re-surfacing of yard/car parking area
The council resolved that they have no comment to make on this application.

8. Cemetery
Standing item
Karen Prudden advised that a couple of families had approached the cemetery and asked for permission to make repairs to their family graves. These requests were approved.
A date for the first cemetery subcommittee meeting is to be arranged.
The council authorised Karen Prudden to purchase a wreath for 11th November.

9. Parish Caretaker – Standing Item
A list of jobs that are requiring attention from the caretaker for September and October are as follows: –
White Post needs repairing/replacing on the Village Green in Bainbridge
Strimming around the village signs
Village notice board in Bainbridge is leaking and needs attention.
Worton notice board needs sanding and varnishing

10. Children’s Play Area
Cllr Percival reported that the Zip wire had be fixed with thanks to Paul Metcalfe

11. Local Health Issues
Nothing new to report

Asset Register
Defer until the November meeting,
Tim Prudden is to inspect the village benches and report back to the November meeting with a view to updating the asset register as to
repair/removal/replace/retain – the village benches.

13. Viewing Platform for Bainbridge Hydro
Cllr Peacock put forward a request to the council from local garage owner Peter Metcalfe. Mr Metcalfe gets up to 4,000 visitors (10 per day) enquiring as to the details of the Bain Hydro.
Mr Metcalfe has suggested erecting a viewing platform in his yard with information boards. Cllr Peacock advised the Parish Council that they could apply to RDC Area Partnership fund for a grant to assist in the building of the platform and that additional funding be sought from the YDNPA sustainable development fund.
This was agreed in principal with Cllr Derek Kettlewell stating that Mr Metcalfe needed to provided designs and quotes for the platform.

14. AOB
Village shop – Karen Prudden advised use it or lose it. The council agreed to offer an advert on the website. Karen Prudden to provide the clerk with an advert.

15. Items for next meeting agenda
Asset register
Inspector Gee – NY Police

16. Date of next meeting.
Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2017, 7.00 pm. Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
Meeting closed at 9.05pm